Are Supplements Good For You?, Fish Oil, Echanacea, Zinc, Vitamin, C, Are, Supplements, Good, For, You

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October 25, 2014 Health Articles

Are Supplements Good For You?

Are supplements good for you? The short answer is yes. The long answer is a bit more detailed. Let’s say that high quality supplements are good for you. They really only need to be taken if you are missing out on something in your diet or you are trying to improve your health quickly.

Fish oil supplements are a great example of supplements that can help you to heal your body and are actually more effective than eating the amount of fish that you would need to get the same benefits. Fish oil capsules are well known for helping to reduce cholesterol but the amount of fish oil that you need to take far exceeds that amount of fish you could or should eat each day!

Other Supplements That Are Good For You

If you feel a cold coming on or you know that you have been exposed to people that have been sick you want to up the chances that your immune system is going to be at the top of its game. Vitamin C and Echanacea can both help to ramp up your immune system but clearly guzzling gallons of Vitamin C is not an option but you can take supplements that will amp up your Vitamin C and in turn strengthen your immune system so it is ready to fight for your good health.

Zinc has also been shown to reduce the duration of a cold so zinc supplements are also a great idea after you have been exposed to a cold or virus.

Quality Counts

The key to successfully utilize supplements for good health and to fight off disease you have to choose options that are of top quality and that come from a trusted source. There are a lot of “health” product companies that use substandard ingredients in their products.

You will not realize the benefits of taking supplements unless the quality properties are provided in the supplements. Look for brands that use organic materials, which have been in business for a long time and that have a positive following.

Avoid brands that are super low cost and that do not have a strong positive reputation. Also keep in mind that while supplements can be good for you they are not miracle cures and you still have to do your part they are a hand up not the solution!

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