Types of Burns

Burns vary on the degree of which layer the burn reaches. Remember, there are three standard categories— 1st-degree, 2nd-degree, and 3rd-degree.

1st-degree Burns have persistent pain, are red, and usually are accompanied by swelling.

1. Keep the burn cool (wrap the burn with a cold cloth or soak the wound in a bath.
2. Apply ointment such as Aloe Vera.
3. Wrap the wound with gauze (keep from infection). Replace, once a day.
4. Administer a pain reliever such as Advil.

2nd-degree Burns refer to the burn breaching the 1st layer of skin and reaching the 2nd. Usually, there will be blisters accompanied by severe pain and swelling.

Treatment: if the burn is larger than 3 inches, seek medical attention at your nearest hospital. If the burn is smaller than 3 inches, treat it as you would a 1st-degree burn.

3rd-degree Burns are the worst of all. These burns will be charred and can be deeper than the 3rd layer of the skin. Medical attention is much needed, and you should call 911 immediately. 3rd-degree burn patients usually won’t feel much pain due to the charring of nerve-endings.

1. Call 911 or rush the patient to the nearest hospital.
2. Perform CPR, if needed.
3. Do not remove the patient’s clothing.
4. Raise the burn injury above the patient’s heart (increase blood pressure).
5. Cover the injuries in a cold, moist cloth (material).

Remember, never add anything frozen to cool of a burn. Placing ice on the injury can cause tissue ischemia. Cool burns with clean cold water for at least 10 minutes. If water isn't available than a clean, cool compress can be used as a substitute.

If needed (when evaluated by the provider), activate EMS immediately if:
1. Blistering or broken skin.
2. Difficulty breathing.
3. Face, neck, hands, or genitals.
4. A larger surface area, such as trunk or extremities.
5. Or, other causes of concern.

Electroshock's can cause no harm, mild harm or severe harm.

1. Call 911 if the patient underwent any serious injuries.
2. Perform CPR, if needed.
3. Turn off the power source.
4. Make sure the patient is free of all electrical currents before touching the patient.
5. Move patient away from the power supply (use non-conductive materials if possible.
6. If needed, raise the patient's legs above his/her heart to increase blood pressure.