We have received many comments about our classes from our satisfied customers*. Here are the reviews and ratings from our students:
*The reviews and ratings below are from customers who have purchased a certificate and published a review and/or rating at the end of the transaction
9 years ago
The user friendly-ness
9 years ago
It was enlighten my knowledge from 2 years ago when I took this course.
9 years ago
Perhaps a course with a little more interaction would prove more engaging,
9 years ago
I didn't give you 5 stars because of the one question that I got incorrect. Do you call EMS before or after CPR? I choose none of the above for the answer. The reason I choose this answer is that I didn't know if the event was witnessed or unwitnessed. Witnessed you call for EMS and then proceed to CPR, unwitnessed you begin CPR then call for EMS.
9 years ago
Good overview
9 years ago
Convenient and informational
9 years ago
Very good refresher course since I have taken the class more than 9 times.
9 years ago
Love that the information was not complicated. Simply and to the point.
9 years ago
Simple and Easy
9 years ago
this was a nice way to renew my CPR ...thanks
9 years ago
Great information, fast and easy
9 years ago
Very easy to understand and gives you the basic information you need to make sure you can help others when/if needed.
9 years ago
Very nice
9 years ago
Awesome Course!!!!!
9 years ago
This is a very good way to allow people to become properly informed on CPR, although i seemed to learn a lot more through a live session of a CPR course. Although, this is a great way to allow people to become certified if they have busy schedules and cannot miss a day of work, school, etc.
9 years ago
This was a great online course. Very detailed. The video clips was a great addition to the text.
9 years ago
very well explained and easy to remember.
9 years ago
Thank you for the great course!!
9 years ago
Easy Course, Love it
9 years ago
Quick, effective, efficient, and informative.
9 years ago
it was informative