We have received many comments about our classes from our satisfied customers*. Here are the reviews and ratings from our students:
*The reviews and ratings below are from customers who have purchased a certificate and published a review and/or rating at the end of the transaction
9 years ago
When you work long hours every day of the week it's hard to fit in a CPR class. This online service is a great tool. I feel confident in my skills & knowledge about performing lifesaving CPR & AED use.
9 years ago
on the videos there no volume could not hear what they was saying to do and yes i had my volume turn up on my computer .
9 years ago
Very informative
9 years ago
Thank you for giving me and my family the opportunity to take your life saving course.
9 years ago
Check your grammar and the back of the choking baby's head is not being properly supported in the example video.
9 years ago
Great Exam
9 years ago
The quiz question regarding calling 911 immediately for head injury is misleading. The correct response is "TRUE call 911 immediately." However, the training text says: " Head Injuries usually result in minor bruises or bumps; however, some head injuries can be very severe and even fatal. Call 911 immediately if:" So not every head injury requires a 911 call. There are often minor injuries, but only if you see certain symptoms should you call 911. Please consider rephrasing the question.
9 years ago
It was so helpful.
9 years ago
easy process loved the format
9 years ago
Great refresher course
9 years ago
Thank you so much. I appreciate it a lot.
9 years ago
Thank you !!
9 years ago
For Caregivers and first responders that have been doing this work for decades, I appreciate a quick way to review and recertify my CPR.
9 years ago
It’s seemed odd taking on line
9 years ago
It was fun to see what i knew
9 years ago
This is a good platform to learn on what to do when in danger at work place,home or anywhere. Thank you for the lecture.
9 years ago
Good info. Easy to understand.
9 years ago
The exam was very basic, you could add more questions. Thanks
9 years ago
Great refresher course.
9 years ago
Very enlightening and good content Thank You
9 years ago
simple, and to the point, good information.