We have received many comments about our classes from our satisfied customers*. Here are the reviews and ratings from our students:
*The reviews and ratings below are from customers who have purchased a certificate and published a review and/or rating at the end of the transaction
9 years ago
Thank you.
9 years ago
Simple fast thorough
9 years ago
SO many typos and grammar errors, often it was unclear what the content was trying to say! Very confusing to read through. Beyond just simple misspellings which are easy to figure out the intended meaning, grammar issues and awkward wording combined with poor punctuation made it nearly impossible to figure out some sentences and paragraphs! This should be important in a course which is trying to prepare you for providing CPR/First Aid.
9 years ago
Easy and great information!
9 years ago
Great Program - Very easy to follow and instructive. Very helpful refresher and reference for those of us who have had a full hands-on class.
9 years ago
Thank you
9 years ago
for an online review/renewal I think this was thorough and simple to understand. I would rather have a 'live' hands on class and would recommend that for a new student learning 1st aide/CPR
9 years ago
Easy to use program
9 years ago
the videos audio didn't work
9 years ago
9 years ago
Only one video had sound, even after I checked all the settings on my computer. Narration would have been helpful. This was fine for a brush up course, but I would not recommend for a first time BLS certification.
9 years ago
This a very easy to understand and follow course.
9 years ago
It was a great refresher course for me. We should all take the time to keep up to date with our CPR knowledge. Thank you
9 years ago
Thanks for the necessary information
9 years ago
9 years ago
I really enjoyed studing all thses lessons.
9 years ago
It was amazing to do this online and simply yet thoroughly explained.
9 years ago
You're great.
9 years ago
Very informative!
9 years ago
I like the site
9 years ago
Didn't read anything and used educated guesses and passed