We have received many comments about our classes from our satisfied customers*. Here are the reviews and ratings from our students:
*The reviews and ratings below are from customers who have purchased a certificate and published a review and/or rating at the end of the transaction
9 years ago
Great Program - Very easy to follow and instructive. Very helpful refresher and reference for those of us who have had a full hands-on class.
9 years ago
Thank you
9 years ago
for an online review/renewal I think this was thorough and simple to understand. I would rather have a 'live' hands on class and would recommend that for a new student learning 1st aide/CPR
9 years ago
Easy to use program
9 years ago
the videos audio didn't work
9 years ago
9 years ago
Only one video had sound, even after I checked all the settings on my computer. Narration would have been helpful. This was fine for a brush up course, but I would not recommend for a first time BLS certification.
9 years ago
This a very easy to understand and follow course.
9 years ago
It was a great refresher course for me. We should all take the time to keep up to date with our CPR knowledge. Thank you
9 years ago
Thanks for the necessary information
9 years ago
9 years ago
I really enjoyed studing all thses lessons.
9 years ago
It was amazing to do this online and simply yet thoroughly explained.
9 years ago
You're great.
9 years ago
Very informative!
9 years ago
I like the site
9 years ago
Didn't read anything and used educated guesses and passed
9 years ago
This course provided important materials and very informative.
9 years ago
It was very informative and straight to the point.
9 years ago
some information seems to be different from the class I attended by the American Heart Association. Did like the first aide portion. Nice review
9 years ago
The course is informative without being too lost in the woods with technical terms. There are enough graphics and visuals that are appropriate for demonstrating a concept. Timing to read the information and take the tests is reasonable, with enough time dedicated to reading but not too long to lose the trainee's attention when reading.