We have received many comments about our classes from our satisfied customers*. Here are the reviews and ratings from our students:
*The reviews and ratings below are from customers who have purchased a certificate and published a review and/or rating at the end of the transaction
9 years ago
This is an excellent way to take the class. I did notice a typographical error... I think it was the word "than" instead of "then." Enjoyed the experience.
9 years ago
Thank you for providing this service online.
9 years ago
The course has very poor information as to what First Aid and CPR is. The information is incomplete and leaves out a LOT OF GRAY AREAS that can be very dangerous. As an example, what is an auto injector? What do you do immediately if you don't have such injector? Do you call 911 before or after the application of the injection, how long does the injection needs to be in the patient for the whole solution to go into the body? What happens after? if the patient responds to the injection, do you call 911 still? etc. The information was very poorly done. By the way, I am certain that an auto injector should be injected on the outer part of the thigh, NOT on the butt.
9 years ago
Quick and easy!
9 years ago
Course was concise and clear.
9 years ago
A couple of the Exam questions were a little vague. Ex. If my patient has a head injury like a cut or a minor bruise, I should NOT call 911 I should question the patient and look for symptoms that MIGHT be EMS worthy. And if my patient was unconscious and unresponsive BUT ALSO had a normal pulse and normal breathing I should NOT perform CPR but instead call 911.
9 years ago
Great option for refreshing expired training!
9 years ago
It's a little scary not being able to try it live, but an online course definitely puts me in a better position to help, than no course at all.
9 years ago
Very informative and easy to take
9 years ago
It was nice being able to read slowly and carefully- I learned a great deal
9 years ago
thank you for making it easy to do and read
9 years ago
Good information for an online course. There are a lot of spelling and grammatical errors in the text!
9 years ago
That's a lot of information to digest in a short period of time. But it is good information!
9 years ago
This is a great program! Lots of important information is covered.
9 years ago
This is a really poor training certificate program for something as important as CPR/AED training.
9 years ago
Easy to follow instructions. Brought back many factors and processes I had forgotten over time.
9 years ago
Fast and easy
9 years ago
Fast and easy!
9 years ago
The videos had no sounds and one of them were incomplete. The lengthy descriptions can sometimes be substituted with pictures/videos for immediate understanding. A lot of the treatment are the same such as calling 911 or performing CPR. I think these can be organized together instead of repeating. Just some suggestions. It was still helpful but can be more user friendly.
9 years ago
Helpful information.
9 years ago
Great course for general knowledge of what to do when CPR is necessary.