We have received many comments about our classes from our satisfied customers*. Here are the reviews and ratings from our students:
*The reviews and ratings below are from customers who have purchased a certificate and published a review and/or rating at the end of the transaction
8 years ago
excellent test
8 years ago
No sound on videos
8 years ago
Your course was easy to follow and very helpful it had a lot of information and covered everything I needed to now. I feel confident that I know now how and what I need to do to help someone in need. Thank You
8 years ago
8 years ago
The explanation was nice and clear. Repetition was helpful to memorize.
8 years ago
Clear details, it was good to refresh my CPR knowledge.
8 years ago
Quick and easy. But dull...
8 years ago
Mike was great! He did an awesome job and made it fun for me and my coworkers.
8 years ago
verry verry nice
8 years ago
I believe the questions could be more specific.
8 years ago
Very good training!
8 years ago
None of the videos would load. Not sure if it was my end or yours.
8 years ago
Very succinct refresher course.
8 years ago
Not accepted at my hospital
8 years ago
Questions are vague and miss leading.
8 years ago
8 years ago
I felt the questions did not provide enough detail to accurately answer the question based on the answers provided. Ex: The question read: For Adults/Adolescents you should call/activate EMS. Answer choices are as follows: Before Providing CPR, After Providing CPR for 2 minutes, After an AED has been administered, Or, None of the above. Now in your training its said it depends on if you've seen the person collapse or not, as if you've seen the person collapse you activate EMS before CPR is administered, and if you did not see the person collapse you do CPR 1st for 2mins then activate EMS. EX2: If a patient undergoes a head injury you should call 911 Immediately. (Again not enough information,) as your training stated you would only call 911 if were one of 9 symptoms listed (hence you would not call 911 if the listed symptoms were not present.) EX 3. When treating bites and stings you should use. An AED (Automated External Defibrillator), or An Auto-injector. You may not have to do nothing more than remove the stinger, apply cold pack and give pain reliever. Then your videos, None had verbal audio, and let's be for real at 10sec video on someone cutting a bandage and starting to tie it off. Also when you're training talkings about how to position ones fingers together in preparation to do chest compressions, you say "interlock your fingers with both hands". Just go ask someone to do that, thats never had CPR training before and see whats happens (you don't even provide a picture that shows how the hands should be on-top of one another, (palm of one hand to the back of the other , then interlace ones fingers) to help guide a person in the proper hand position. I feel you have a lot of work to do, I honestly think you could be sued if someone implemented what you've presented as training, and a person attempted to help another human using what you presented, could result in loss of life.
8 years ago
I would love to see videos of the chest compressions to make the placement of the hands as clear as possible. It would also be nice to see the difference between that that looks like on an adult versus a child and infant.
8 years ago
Very good information. Although I believe 2 questions are worded tricky and it actually affects the ability to get the question correct.
8 years ago
Some information concerning PPE could be included.
8 years ago
Great website, easy access, good material